Thursday, December 17, 2009

I can't believe how long it has been since I have written a post......but life does seem to move right along...and here it is a week until Christmas~
I finally got the tree up today. Charlie Brown.....yes, that is what our poor tree is. Matt and I stopped on the way home from town the other night. Someone said oh stop at this local guy...he has nice trees. Well, Matt and I were really in all honestly stunned, as we glanced back and forth at one another in disbelief. The older gentleman was eager to help, as he showed us his finest trees. I shake my head now and laugh, tears in my eyes, and a little belly laugh....there wasn't a decent full tree there. Matt and I were both kinda feeling for the man at this point...and we went ahead and bought one~ It went up today in all it's glory. I couldn't leave my charlie Brown there. There really aren't enough ornaments to fill it, but it is my tree...small and straggly...and I am thinking it may look good at night~!!!
Allot sure has happened this last couple of months~ The once exclusive Ewe-La has been joined by her friends the Mule-La, Moo-La, Doe-La and the Sow-La.....formally known as FarmYardArt's FarmYard Friends~ They have been warmly welcomed into many homes already... and although the season is right upon us.,....I am still able to do custom orders~!!
So if you are a Horse fanatic, or love your bovine, Boer goat.....or the popular not hesitate about contacting me about a custom order~!
Same goes with the new stockings...I am still taking orders.

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