Friday, January 6, 2012

New Simmental...the obsession of painting

Painting can be consuming. I feel some resentment at all the other things in life that take me away from my art. It is an obsession .I often spin my wheels when getting ready to paint. Mulling over hundreds of photos....narrowing it to a dozen. Then I may go over and over them, sometimes for a few days.....till I have finally found the perfect picture. After I have choose, it is all systems go and there is no turning back.
Time slips away. I can get all set up, begin to paint,  when I reemerge back to reality and look at the clock it is hours, not minutes that have passed. When I am truly inspired about an idea, or in the middle of a large piece, sleep is disrupted. I find myself glancing  at the clock every couple of hours, waiting for the sun to rise.
One of the definitions of obsession is a persistent idea or impulse that continually forces its way into consciousness, often associated with anxiety and mental illness. It is interesting because the obsession actually allows me to escape, it is a total Peace, and in someway an unconsciousness.
I wear myself out trying to capture that personality of my subject, most likely one of my cows. It's a dream that won't come true. No set goal achieved satisfies what my imagination has thought up.
This special girl has been in my top ten for awhile now. I LOVE how she turned out~
She belongs to a neighbor of mine,,..who doesn't name their I am still waiting for the perfect name to come to me.....I was thinking she looked like a Bell.

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